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Granada Lakes Condominium Association
Pet Rules and Regulations
Last update 11/23
1. LIVING ACCOMMODATIONS: Permanent Living Accommodations (unit on site for at least nine (9) consecutive months). All units brought into the park for permanent living accommodations shall be park models. Unit must be tied down immediately and fully skirted within three months. Minimum length without tongue is thirty-three (33) feet. Maximum length without tongue is forty-five (45) feet. All units of any length must observe all easements which include the 15-foot setback from the center of the road except Granada Lakes Drive which is 20-foot setback from the center of the road, 5 feet on each side of the lot and 5 feet from the rear of the lot. Unit must fit on the lot observing all easements, with room for at least one car or truck used for transportation. All units must be presentable in looks and repair.
Temporary Living Accommodations (unit on site for less than nine (9) consecutive months). Units are limited to motor homes, fifth wheels or camping trailers. Minimum length without tongue is nineteen (19) feet. Maximum length without tongue is forty-five (45) feet with room for at least one car or truck used for transportation. All units of any length must observe all easements which include the 15-foot setback from the center of the road except Granada Lakes Drive which is 20-foot setback from the center of the road, 5 feet on each side of the lot and 5 feet from the rear of the lot. Unit must fit on the lot observing all easements, with room for at least one car or truck used for transportation. All units must be presentable in looks and repair.
2. ADDITIONS: Additions are allowed provided necessary permits and approval have been obtained from government bodies with jurisdiction and MUST be fully skirted three (3) months after tie-down.
3. LIMITATIONS ON ADDITIONS: Additions must conform to county codes and have a concrete base. Color to be a good match to RV or white. Skirting or wheel covers must be of substantial quality aluminum, fiberglass, or plastic to withstand local weather and wind conditions. Color to be a good match to the RV or white. One vinyl type storage shed will be permitted under the following conditions:
(a) The shed must be the vertical type with maximum size of 60 inches wide x 32 inches deep x 80 inches high.
(b) The shed must be placed against the back of the permanent living structure. If this is not possible due to easements it is permitted after the Board’s approval to be placed on the side of the living structure.
(c) The shed’s location in relation to the property line, easements and the attachment must conform to the County Code.
(d) Shed size and location drawing must be approved by the Board of Directors.
(e) Any variation of the above described shed must be approved by at least three (3) members of the Board of Directors.
(f) deleted Applied to painting of shed.
(g) The shed is not permitted on a pad where the living structure is not permanent.
4. STORAGE ON THE LOT: The exterior use and/or storage of refrigerators, freezers, over 40 lb. LP gas bottles, large tool chests, boats, boat equipment, trailer or vehicle parts and anything else not deemed compatible to the unit and surroundings is prohibited. This includes storage under the RV of any of the items mentioned above unless the RV has been skirted properly. Also, no part of the RV with attachments thereto and/or the transportation vehicle shall be parked so as to extend beyond any of the unit lines regardless of ownership, tips-outs and pull-outs included. NO MAJOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE may be performed on the condominium property except in areas so designated by the Assoc.
5. LANDSCAPING: Flower gardens are permitted and should be placed where they will not interfere with mowing and trimming operations. Permanent homes should have a 12" (1 Ft.) protection for the RV skirting or wall of home around the RV if damage from grass cutting is to be compensated to the owner by the landscaping contractor.
6. UTILITY CONNECTIONS: Each RV will be connected to utilities in a safe and sanitary manner:
Electric: Proper sized cord and fused properly.
Water: Connections without leaks.
Sewer: No fumes or sewage leaks, properly trapped. Rigid pipe only for park models and other RVs when possible. Holding tank valves kept closed except when dumping. Where rigid sewer pipe is not used, flex pipe must be attached to a DO-NUT. Failure to do so will result in removal of the RV from the park.
7. TIE-DOWNS: All unoccupied units on a lot must be tied down during hurricane season. All occupied units on a lot, not tied down, must be removed from the lot or tied down within forty-eight (48) hours of an announced hurricane watch.
8. INSPECTIONS: All facilities may be inspected annually as to condition and conformance with the rules and regulations contained in the Granada Lakes Condominium Association documents.
This shall be deemed to PROHIBIT:
A. Fences
B. Antennas exceeding twenty (20) feet in height from the ground
C. CB/Ham horizontal antennas
Satellite dishes, not to exceed ONE METER (39.37 inches) in diameter, are permitted in accordance with the TELECOMMUNICATION ACT of 2/8/96.
9. GENERAL RESTRICTIONS: In order to maintain a community of congenial residents who are responsive to good management, the Association has certain park restrictions. Restrictions of general interest are:
A. Previously deleted, applied to register book.
B. Recreational facilities are for the sole use of residents and their guests. Day visitors must be accompanied by whom they are visiting. Hours of use and rules for use shall be posted thereon. Persons who are renting or leasing by means of a properly documented agreement or lease, will also be permitted to use recreational facilities.
C. All motorized vehicles may not exceed ten (10) miles per hour within the resort and must observe the one-way street signs. Drivers of street legal motorized vehicles must have a valid driver's license
D. Quiet hours are 10:00 PM to 8:00 AM.
E. Deleted/pertained to alcohol
F. Temporary clotheslines for BATHING SUITS and TOWELS may be strung under an awning or on the RV patio area only. No lines may be secured to trees or utility poles.
G. Deleted/pertained to patio lights
H. Outdoor water usage is allowed in compliance with Lee County water restrictions only. Automatic timed devices or soakers are not to be used at individual units.
I. Motorcycles are permitted. Loud motorcycles without factory stock pipes are not allowed. Renters, owners and overnight guests may proceed to and from the unit. Day visitors must park at the clubhouse. Motorcycles can come and go but may not be used for general transportation throughout the park.
J. Golf carts are required to observe the same rules and regulations that pertain to motorized vehicles. Operator under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The vehicle must be equipped with some source of light to be used when driving after dark. Each golf cart is to be identified by the owner’s lot number, three (3) inches high, mounted on the left side of the cart below the driver’s seat.
K. Minibikes, mopeds, motorized scooters and power bikes are permitted but may not exceed 10 mph, and are required to observe the same rules and regulations that pertain to motorized vehicles. Operators must be at least fourteen (14) years of age.
L. NO BIKES are permitted on the pool deck, walkways, or leaned against the pool fence.
M. The discharge of firearms is strictly forbidden within the boundaries of Granada Lakes
N. No fireworks of any kind are permitted to be discharged on any unit/site or common ground within the boundaries of Granada Lakes.
10. LAKES: The use of two (2) adjacent lakes are for your boating and fishing pleasure. While the lakes are not within the planned development property, the developer did grant on February 23, 1982, a perpetual NON-EXCLUSIVE right to the use and enjoyment of said lakes. There shall be no fees or charges whatsoever made against the Association or unit owners by the lake owners for such use and enjoyment. The rights of use and enjoyment as granted by the developer to the Association are for the exclusive use of the unit owners and their guests, but except for electric power boating, all power boating is prohibited. Use of the lakes, shores or park boats is totally at the user’s risk. The coast guard safety rules must be observed at all times.
11. CONDUCT OF OWNERS: (residents) No unit owner shall knowingly permit or suffer anything to be done or kept in his/her unit, which will increase the rate of insurance on the condominium property, or which will obstruct or interfere with the rights of other unit owners, or annoy them by unreasonable noises or otherwise: nor shall any unit owner commit or permit any nuisance, immoral or illegal act on or about the condominium property. Other residents right to privacy must be respected at all times.
12. PETS: Occupants are limited to two (2) customary, quiet and inoffensive household pets. When out of doors, pets must be on a leash and all solid excretions of such pets must be immediately collected and disposed of by the owner of the pet. No dog or cat may be left unattended, either locked in the RV for more than 24 hours or chained outside unattended for any length of time. Pets are not allowed on the grounds of other units or on common ground, with the exception of Phase II.
A. Upon complaint, misbehavior by a minor must be corrected by his/her responsible adult.
B. Children, under 12, may not use the pool or recreational facilities unless accompanied by a responsible person.
Non-compliance will be addressed by the Board of Directors.
14. SIGNS: All commercial signs must be removed upon completion of the contracted work. For sale or rent signs are allowed on the property and the bulletin board in front of the clubhouse but cannot exceed three (3) inches by five (5) inches.
15. Delete Pertained to outside toilets.
16. NUISANCES: No nuisance shall be allowed on the condominium property nor any use or practice which is the source of annoyance to residents (odors from sea shells included), or which interfere with the peaceful possession and proper use of the property by its residents. All parts of the property shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition and no rubbish refuse or garbage shall be allowed to accumulate, or any fire hazard allowed to exist.
17. COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY: No visible or advertised commercial activity of any kind whatsoever shall be conducted on or from any unit in the condominium. No construction equipment shall be stored, kept, or parked on any unit except when actually in use for a legitimate construction purpose within the condominium.
18. OCCUPANCY: Each unit shall be used for single family residential purposes only. In no event shall occupancy exceed two (2) persons (except for temporary occupancy by visiting guests). In accordance with the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 as amended by the Housing for Older Persons Act of 1995 and HUD’S Final Rules and Regulations effective May 3, 1999, at least one person fifty-five (55) years of age or older must be a permanent occupant of each unit. Persons under the age of fifty-five (55) and more than eighteen (18) years of age may occupy and reside in a unit as long as the permanent occupant is fifty-five (55) years of age or older. Any surviving spouse, heirs, or immediate family under fifty-five (55) is eligible to be a permanent occupant provided he or she has legal or equitable title to a unit in this community. Children and guests are allowed visits with relatives or in units owned, rented or leased by relatives for not more than thirty (30) days in any six (6) months period. Exception to this rule for hardship cases is with unanimous Directors approval only. It is the intent of this Association to qualify as housing for persons fifty-five (55) years of age or older. At least 80% of the units shall have at least one resident age fifty-five (55) years of age or older.
EXAMPLE: Immediate family under age fifty-five (55) and over the age of eighteen (18) may occupy a unit without the recorded owner being present in any unit owned or rented by a recorded (immediate family member) owner over the age of 55. In the case of a rental, the immediate family member owner must be present in the park during the rental period.
The HUD protocol to qualify for over 55 housing requires that 80% of the units be owned/occupied by someone over the age of 55. The Board of Directors of Granada Lakes reserved the remaining 20% for rights of inheritance and spousal survival.
EXAMPLE: In the event of the death of the over 55 owner/resident; the heirs or the surviving spouse under 55 would not be required to sell or move out of the property but may live in it. If they choose to rent or sell it, it must be rented or sold to someone over 55.
(A) TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY shall mean occupancy of a unit by a guest or guests for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days in any calendar year. The period of temporary occupancy is charged to the unit. If the unit is sold during the year, the time charged begins again on the date of sale for the remainder of that calendar year.
(B) PERMANENT OCCUPANT shall mean the person who holds legal or equitable title or lease to a unit in this Association and has resided in the unit during the past year or intends to return on a periodic basis.
(C) IMMEDIATE FAMILY means the parents, children, grandchildren, brothers and sisters.
(D) HARDSHIP: As defined in BOD Workshop minutes of December 10, 2001
Hardship pertains to the health of a unit owner." Example: A third party may reside in the unit as long as the health of the unit owner requires it. A hardship must be unanimously approved by the BOD prior to the time the caregiver moves in. A physician’s letter documenting the hardship will be required for consideration."
19. LEASING OR RENTING OF UNITS: Owners may lease or rent their units but no lease or rental agreement shall be for less than thirty (30) consecutive days and all leases or rental agreements must provide that tenants agree in writing to abide by all of the RULES and REGULATIONS of the condominium and that failure to do so is a breach of the lease or rental agreement, which will be sufficient grounds to require the tenant to vacate the condominium premises forthwith.
20. DOCKS: There shall be NO DOCKS built on or into the lakes whatsoever.
21. STORAGE AREA: In order to store anything in the storage area the owner must:
1. Register with the Association and be given a number before using the storage area. The Board of Directors may adopt a Registration form to be used by owners when registering items to be stored.
2. Have current licenses and liability insurance on all motor vehicles, travel trailers, fifth wheels, boats with gas engines and pull type utility trailers. Association owned items are exempt from this requirement.
3. Remove any item in the storage area not used within a twelve (12) month period.
4. Be responsible for moving any stored item(s) for mowing. Failure to do so will necessitate that the one storing the item(s) will mow the assigned area.
5. If storing salvage material temporarily, have Board approval and if granted, tie it down.
6. Have Board approval before placing and/or constructing any storage building.
A. The storage unit must be easily removable and no larger than 8 ft. by 8 ft. and made of vinyl or aluminum of substantial grade to resist the Florida weather conditions. The unit must be tied with two straps. (One strap may be allowed on smaller units.) The unit must be placed in the Association storage area and the location must be approved by a majority of the Board of Directors. The storage unit must be removed when the owner no longer owns a unit in the Park.
7. Renters may use the storage facility only while staying in the Park.
Granada Lakes Adult RV Condo Association
FAQs; last updated Feb 2025
Q. What are my voting rights in the condominium association?
A. Each unit is granted one vote in any condominium matters.
Q. What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on my right to use my
A. The reader is referred to the Rules and Regulations contained in the purchaser
material and in the condominium documents.
Q. What restrictions exist in the condominium documents on the leasing of my
A. No unit can be rented/leased for a period of less than thirty consecutive days and the
renter/lessee must be 55 years of age or older. No OWNER may rent their lot/unit for a period
24 months starting from the date of the lot/unit title being acquired.
Q. How much are my assessments to the condominium association for my unit type
and when are they due?
A. Assessments are $300.00 per unit per quarter and are payable on Nov 1, Feb 1, May 1,
and Aug 1. This rate went into effect on 11/1/24; the start of GLCA's FY25. The condominium association's fiscal year begins on Nov 1 and ends on October 31.
Q. Do I have to be a member in any other association? If so, what is the name of
the Association and what are my voting rights in this association? Also, how much
are my assessments?
A. Granada Lakes Adult RV Condominium Association is the only association involved.
Q. Am I required to pay rent or land use fees for recreational or other commonly
used facilities? If so, how much am I obligated to pay annually?
A. No. The quarterly maintenance fees/assessments include the use of all facilities.
Q. Is the condominium association or any other mandatory membership association,
involved in any court cases in which it may face liability in excess of $100,000.00?
If so, identify each case.
A. There is no such court liability pending.
NOTE: The statements contained herein are only summary in nature. A
prospective purchaser should refer to all references, exhibits, hereto, the sales
contract and the condominium documents (Articles of Incorporation, Declaration,
By Laws and Rules & Regulations) .